The Forum on Education Abroad Welcomes Dr. Audrey Murrell as the New Editor of Frontiers


Dr. Audrey J. Murrell

The Forum on Education Abroad is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Audrey J. Murrell as the next Editor of Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, effective September 1.Dr. Murrell is the Acting Dean of the University Honors College, Professor of Business Administration, Psychology, Public and International Affairs and a Senior Research Fellow in the David Berg Center for Ethics and Leadership at the University of Pittsburgh. She is the author of several books including: "Mentoring Dilemmas: Developmental Relationships within Multicultural Organizations" (with Faye Crosby and Robyn Ely) and "Mentoring Diverse Leaders: Creating Change for People, Processes and Paradigms" (with Stacy-Blake Beard). She currently serves on the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health and has previously served as an Associate Editor for scholarly journals including the Psychology of Women Quarterly and Sex Roles: A Research Journal.

Dr. Murrell brings to the role of editor experience in both research and practice in education abroad. During her time as the Associate Dean of the College of Business Administration at the University of Pittsburgh, she oversaw the implementation of a competency-based global program portfolio that included both academic and career development experiences abroad and has conducted research on the impact of that program. The University of Pittsburgh has a long history of advocating for and supporting global experiences for its students. In her role as Acting Dean of the Pitt Honors College, Dr. Murrell is the chief advocate for interdisciplinary research and experiential learning across the university's undergraduate Honors experience.

Dr. Murrell will be supported in her role by Managing Editor, Dr. Amelia J. Dietrich, who has served as the Interim Editor of the journal for the past two years, and the esteemed colleagues on the journal's Editorial Board.

Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, first published in 1995, is the only open-access, scholarly journal focusing exclusively on education abroad research. Frontiers is published by The Forum on Education Abroad, a non-profit, membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for education abroad. The Forum provides training and resources to education abroad professionals. Its Standards of Good Practice are recognized as the definitive means by which the quality of education abroad programs may be judged.

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