PRINCE2 Foundation Examination: Open Book or Closed Book Exam


One can easily prepare for the real certification test with the PRINCE2® Foundation exam. It is one of the categories of Prince2 as Prince2 Practitioner is another one. Both examinations are useful. But you cannot say that both exams have the same format if they fall under the same category. The Prince 2 Foundation exam is meticulous, and a little support can take you a long way.

However, the Prince 2 practitioner exam is different. You can get to know here-

Prince2 foundation exam is perfect for an individual who is a newbie to the project management. Professional training for this course will provide you a basic grounding in Prince 2 project management terms and methodology. If you just joined an organization as a project manager, then Prince2 Foundation training is all you need. It will help you set in the role with high standards and a reasonable degree of confidence.

Well, you may be an experienced project manager and have got any formal training on project terms and methodologies. If you need to enhance your skills in a better way, then with the help of Prince2 Foundation training, you can be aware of the job and can smoothly go forward.

The significant difference between Prince 2 Foundation and Practitioner level is that the Practitioner course can't be mentioned or available before the Foundation exam.

Prince2 Practitioner Exam for Ongoing Projects

The element for the Prince2 Practitioner exam is most crucial for the one having responsibility for ongoing projects. It implies that this exam is typically chosen by experienced project managers having proper training in Prince 2 Foundation.

This training course will help you learn about managing the project and guiding the project team expertly. As compared to the Foundation exam, Prince 2 practitioner exam is more-in-depth and gives profoundly practical and useful information. It provides you knowledge that will help you in understanding and valuing the world of project management.

The course has no theories, and it focuses entirely on the world of project management.

Fundamental Difference between Prince 2 Exams: Foundation and Practitioner

Every Prince 2 course ends with an exam, but there is a significant difference that cannot be neglected at any cost. No doubt, completing these courses will help you get substantial certifications. For the Foundation training, the exam format includes 75 multiple choice questions, and a candidate has to finish that in an hour. The pass mark is 50% or more.

On the other side, Prince 2 Practitioner course is long, and at 2 hours and 30 minutes, the exam seems longer. A candidate has to attend eight multiple-choice questions and has to reach a target of 55% to clear the exam. Another difference worth to notice is the control of your reading material while learning them.

For your question to whether Prince 2 Foundation Exam is a closed book exam or not, it is evident for you to know. It is impactful for your exam preparation. For your knowledge, Prince 2 Foundation exam is a closed book exam. Prince 2 Practitioner is an open book exam, and you can consult Prince 2 manual for it.

Everything that you need to know to pass the exam is included in the course that runs it. There are no tricks or solutions that you can mug up and learn everything. So, you should pay attention so that you don't get any problems while attempting the exam.

Which Training to Take: The Ultimate Ways!

Once you get to know about the relevance of both the exams of Prince2, it becomes easier for you to decide the training. As it is cleared that Prince 2 Foundation is perfect for beginners, taking professional training will help them boost their skills in many ways. This course is helpful for those who haven't made any training before.

For experienced project managers who have already completed their Foundation exam can step ahead for the Prince 2 Practitioner level. It gives a great move to progress in your career and learn new every day.

Now, you may have got many things cleared about Prince2 Foundation and Practitioner Training, and the difference. It could be fair enough to help you decide on choosing the course according to your need and eligibility. You can go for both the training courses in your career by completing the Prince2 Foundation course first.

Moreover, it is simpler to boost your career with these exams. Once you have decided to give either of the exams according to your eligibility criteria, the next step is to choose the date and location of the exam according to your convenience. As the exam offers a flexible approach, getting the exam booked should be no more a hassle for you.

Regardless of which stage are you in your career, it is a great option to get professionally trained on Prince 2 terms and methodology. Doing this course will allow you to see the perfection in you.

Future Career Aspects with Prince2

Both exams work incredibly for one's future career. While you think about the steps of your next plan, ensure that you meet the qualification of the exams. Once you complete your Prince2 Foundation level Training, then you get the heavy options of jobs in front of you. For instance, you get an opportunity of working in a project team, and alternatively, you can initiate by working as a junior project manager to regulate or direct the tasks to other members of the team.

Adding such qualifications to your CV would add strong points to your selection in any organization looking for a skilled individual. You can get projects of senior-level if you are Prince 2 Practitioner certified. You can be a senior project manager soon.

The project management field is very competitive, and proper project practices are needed for a well-managed team. There are not many hardships in getting certificates of Prince 2; you need to follow the basic guidelines and new updates available online.

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