David Angelo
PHOENIX Rehabilitation and Health Services, Inc. http://phoenixrehab.com, a leading provider of outpatient physical rehabilitation services, recently announced the promotion of David Angelo, PT, MPT as Chief Operating Officer. Reporting to PHOENIX's President and CEO, David D. Watson, PT, Mr. Angelo is responsible for the operations blueprint and execution while driving the company's strategic development. Under his direct leadership is the newly formed SOLT (Senior Operations Leadership Team) including freshly promoted Executive Vice President of Operations-Southeast, Robert Kohn, PT, ATC and Vice President of Operations-Delaware/Mid-Atlantic, Samuel Moncure, III, PT. Rounding out the SOLT is Directors of Clinic Operations, Carlos Garcia-Cuesta, PT, DPT, ATC, MTC, Rhonda, Alderfer, PT, MS, and Jessica Perlozzo, PT, MS. Additionally, newly appointed Director of Development, Troy Thomas, and Vice President of Marketing and Sales, Shelly Nippes, complete the Operations unit.
"David's demonstrated strategic execution will strengthen the Company's position in Pennsylvania, and under his leadership, the Company will posture for continued growth in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions," states Watson. Adding, "With a proven track record of achieving EBITDA growth through both organic and DeNovo development, David's executive leadership skills are well suited to lead PHOENIX in a sometimes volatile health care environment. He and his team will lead the charge to extend our brand and empower people to choose PHOENIX as their rehabilitation provider of choice."
A graduate of Hahnemann University, Angelo possesses more than 20 years of experience in the physical therapy industry, commencing his PHOENIX career at the Facility Director rank in 1998. Prior to pursuing his career in physical therapy, Angelo served as an Officer in the US Army.
Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Blairsville, PA, PHOENIX is a privately held community of out-patient rehabilitation centers with over 70 locations throughout AL, DE, MD, PA, and VA. Guided by the culture of fundamentals entitled The PHOENIX Way, PHOENIX is committed to providing the highest quality and value-based care for physical and occupational therapies. In addition to rehabilitation services, the WorkPlace Health (WPH) division operates in several PA counties offering non-emergency injury care and injury case management, as well as, occupational health services such as drug screens, audiometric testing, DOT and non-DOT physicals. In 2013, PHOENIX underwent a recapitalization with 3 Rivers Capital based in Pittsburgh, PA. Visit phoenixrehab.com for a complete listing of PHOENIX and WPH locations or call toll free 888-644-7747 for more information. Stay connected with PHOENIX via Facebook PHOENIXRehab, LinkedIn, Twitter @PHOENIXRehab1, Instagram @phoenixrehabilitation, and YouTube PHOENIXRehab1997.
About 3 Rivers Capital
Founded in 2005, 3 Rivers Capital is a Pittsburgh-based private equity firm which focuses primarily on equity recapitalizations and buyouts of companies with revenues of up to $50M and EBITDA of up to $7M. The primary focus is acquiring niche manufacturing and specialty service businesses that present a clear and compelling opportunity to create value. 3 Rivers Capital adds value through active ownership and supportive partnerships with highly motivated management teams. For more information, please visit 3riverscap.com.